With our company offering a wide range of printable materials with excellent color rendition, a collaboration with us is both the shortcut and the warranty, for your product to stand out from the competition.
Some examples of materials that can be printed are: Frontlit & Backlit primos, mesh, canvas, photo paper, vinyl sticker, wallpaper etc.
Our daily production ranges around the 200 s.m., in printing processes.


Since 2017, when our company first invested in cnc cutting machinery, we entered the production field of paper-made promotional stands and indoor paper packaging.
Together with our team of experienced designers, you can look for ways to impress through either your products or your promotional activations. We can offer you, from scratch, the design of your stand and/or its’ elements (graphics) and finally produce it up to 1, or as many pieces as you want.
Production processes vary concerning quantities and sizes. In the small printing climax, prints are made on a UV printing table with the cutting being done on a cnc table, while in the larger ones the prints are offset with the cuts being completed on the strap.
In a market that lacks creativity and differentiation, you can only dare…


Historically and for almost 40 years, we have been operating the offset printing department in a privately-owned business unit in the heart of Athens. With vertical production line, in small and medium size (50X70, 35X50) owning all the necessary peripheral machinery, every assigned project such as book printing, letterheads, envelopes, directories, catalogs, cards, brochures, multi-page brochures, etc. can be delivered in the highest quality.